Thursday, August 27, 2009

Rachel Gorman

Original Works by Rachel Gorman
Titled “Little Boy” 14” x 14” $325.00
Titled “Couple” 14” x 14” $325.00

The Artist Statement:
This series was based on trying to capture the impossible. The ghostly images represent the memories that once were. Through special techniques, I was able to capture the nostalgic feeling of past reminiscences.
This series of photographs began by shooting the environments; these were then printed in the darkroom and scanned into the computer. They were digitally altered and the figures were added. These pictures were then printed out on regular typing paper which was then brought back into the darkroom and used as paper negatives. The photographs on this disc are the negatives that were used to create the actual photographic prints. The photographs printed in this manner create a unique texture within the photograph. The prints that will be exhibited show these unique, weathered textures

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